Friday Here !

FriYAY 🎉

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Good vibes Everyone! 
Hope y'all are enjoying this week!
Even through your patience is being tested, always be humble.
I would have to say this year I've gone through a lot of emotions like never, but I simply feel I’m going through this because I'm preparing my better version of myself.
Lately my affirmations have been like
"I'm growing everyday into a better person"
"My downfalls don't define, my accomplishments do"

It's been keeping me in a good direction of positivity.

Goals ✅
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Now I am not waiting for new year’s resolution. I feel like goals should be started as soon as you're ready. 
I'm not letting a new year give me motivation.
What I'm saying is goals are to be fulfilled and it's about to be 2019.
For the next coming weeks, I'm utilizing my energy into things that inspire me so that I can prosper my Goals! I have big plans for next year. 
I see myself as a visual creator and I want to explore that in more detail. 
This goal is basically bringing out what I want to do with creation and networking. 
Not going to go into full detail with that but this blog is helping me and thankful for the views I get.
I want me and my viewers to have more communication because I like to relate to certain situations and just learn from both sides. 
My next goal is taking my health seriously. I've started a morning routine with my exercising and drinking a balanced smoothie. My diet needs to go vegan like foreal foreal. Being vegan has so many benefits for us mentally, spiritually, and physically. I will make that transformation. This is best for me because I'm noticing the way I feel when i eat certain foods and I don't want to feel like that anymore or damage my body.  
As for my career in the beauty industry I want to only focus on brows and lashes, I feel like it's best right now. I don't want to juggle too much. 

My next goal is taking flights. My next destination will be New York. I feeeeeeel it! 
I know with my little family by my side this will come into existence.
I'm focused on making me a better me. 

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Going around obstacles is easier than handling things. It gets better later as you build to an aspect with action-oriented Mars. Our emotions gain strength today as the compassionate Pisces Moon inches closer to assertive Mars. However, we might not know where we are heading until we let go of our original plans in order to follow our feelings. A creative Venus-Pluto connection entices us with the possibility of pleasure, yet we may not be fulfilled because of emotions. Your creativity can be magically energized by a Venus-Pluto quintile This aspect can also help deepen a relationship or increase your wealth.
-Always trust yourself 

(My astrology is getting better) 

Stay Tuned 

Follow Me on My IG Page @beausocietybriii_

Follow me on my Snap @Berna143

Follow Me on Twitter @beausocietybrii 

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