Wednesday Wave :VB

Wednesday Wave
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Vision Board — A Powerful Tool To Manifest Your Life Desires

Let's kick this Wednesday to a positive start! Today's topic is #VisionBoards !
For me, vision boards is a step into the right direction. Many people don't believe in them but they should. I've been doing my vision board for 2 years now and it's changed my reality and help me execute whats needed to be done. I feel like you can get a better understanding of your goals.  Going forward with your  vision board whether it be small or big goals  it brings Law of Attraction. Law of attraction is a powerful, universal law that provides the opportunity to shape our lives and attract our deepest, greatest desires.
Creating a vision board is more than merely cutting out magazine pictures and gluing them onto a board, hoping to attract your desires. It’s a tool for accessing the powerful Law of Attraction and turning your greatest dreams into a reality.

 Be creative, vision board doesn't necessarily have to be pictures from magazines. Utilize this tool that speaks to you. People use vision boards in many ways. 
For me, I use words. I get black boards and i get them either from dollar tree or walmart. I have white printing paper and i cut them into squares. I write  a title in the middle of the board that i really want to happen for the year. Make it a title that is going to attract all your other goals for the year, whether it be traveling, profession, hobby, family, fitness,  etc. 
This can be a form of self care, I mean keep the fire burning 🔥🔥

Now a vision board doesn't have to be the reason you have to put your goals or dreams on a board but it helps the process and the more you look at where you want be the closer you are to achieving.  
It's all up to you where you want to be, I'm just spilling some tea that has helped me be where I am at now.  If you're a person that is not for Vision Board then do Vision Journaling. Sorta like a goal diary or even planner. I think it's important to keep your goals organized. I do both. the Board and the journaling. It's obvious i love to write and look back on how far I've come. This does work but only if your going to make your success a responsibility.  

I wanted to see other peoples perspectives on Vision Boards and you'd be amazed how polls voted Yes on Vision Boards than No. 
85% : yes
15% : No 

I loved the response even on both sides. If you're a person that doesn't need it kuddos to you, but I love a good mind exercise. 

Lastly, Once you’ve clarified your vision and made your vision board, your job is simply to look at it often, and trust that the Universe will provide you with the opportunities to manifest each and every thing you truly desire. Hold these images in your awareness on a regular basis, and say “Yes!” when opportunities present themselves to make your dreams come to life. As you come up with new ideas and inspirations, feel free to add to it at any time. Your vision board should be a flexible and fluid representation of your desires as they shift and morph throughout your life. In fact, it’s recommended that you create a completely new vision board every 6 to 12 months to be sure it’s current, inspiring, and up-to-date with your values and priorities.
So there you go, do what's going to help you acheive where you want to be and WHO you want to be! 
Just remember you don't need no ones validation except your own. 


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