
Showing posts from 2018

Friday Here !

FriYAY 🎉 Good vibes Everyone!  Hope y'all are enjoying this week! Even through your patience is being tested, always be humble. I would have to say this year I've gone through a lot of emotions like never, but I simply feel I’m going through this because I'm preparing my better version of myself. Lately my affirmations have been like "I'm growing everyday into a better person" "My downfalls don't define, my accomplishments do" It's been keeping me in a good direction of positivity. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Goals ✅ Now I am not waiting for new year’s resolution. I feel like goals should be started as soon as you're ready.  I'm not letting a new year give me motivation. What I'm saying is goals are to be fulfilled and it's about to be 2019. For the next coming weeks, I'm utilizing my energy into things that inspire me so that I can prosper my Goals! I have big plans for next year.  I see mysel

What are your Inspirations ?

Fashion Tuesday  Hello Lovelies  We are reaching towards the middle of December! Wow this year is almost over! I can say 2018 has really made me grow and I've accomplished certain goals.  I have big plans for 2019 & I'm always going to speak into existence because I deserve what I continuously visualize.  So, on that note I'm starting off with what inspires me.  Inspo✨Look I changed up the style because i like to having something different as in looks. Looks are always meant to kill.  Details: The shirt is a see-through leopard turtleneck. Bralette is customized because you can either wear it on top of the leopard shirt or under.  I pick the bralette going on top because that is trendier. For the bottoms i really wanted it to be bold and a color I think that needs to be trendy this time of year and I went with a mustard color.  Mustard is a little outdated but for some reason I'm attracted to this color and there must be more loo

Happy Holidays

  ⛄ The Holidays are here!  & yes, my tree was set up real early this year .... I be going through some thangs, but I love it and it’s here and it gives me the energy to do my Christmas shopping early. Just so I get it done and over with. Lately it has been a bit hectic for me, but I'm trying and all I can do is take everything one step at a time. No Thursday shade even though there is hella tea. Keeping it classy and cute and showing love to Fashion Tuesdays since it's been a minute. I'm kicking in full gear and will be back on the regular schedule. Tuesdays & Thursdays. A  LOOK 🍁 Details : Skirts are absolutely in this fall/winter. Express has really cute skirts. I did not display any tights or leggings but it is optional. I chose high boots because i feel that is cozy but still looking like a meal. 🍑 For the makeup look I chose maroon color themed with soft and dark browns as well as neutral colors to lighten up the look o


- FASHION TUESDAY - Good day my viewers ! Hope all is well and we are kicking this week's ass already! Today's blog is about a review and my experience at the Orlando Outlet Mall. but first .... ISSSSA Vision  Check out this week's fashion vision board! Now this look was inspired by a street casual look. Now if i were shopping this is definitely what i would be wearing just because its casual and I'm always on a hunt for deals when I'm shopping. Basic colors for the shirts because gray and white can pretty much match with anything and that's what you want something easy so you can hit the road and enjoy your time out. In a way shopping for me is like a stress reliever lol just because you're getting something for yourself or spoiling a loved one. I chose nike because that's one of my favorite brands when wearing sneakers. Denim on Denim. Shades because you know there will be shade thrown around. Crossbody bags are my favorite r

Fall Blog

Fashion Tuesday  Fall has begun and now there is going to be fall colors arriving and old trends coming back to light.  Fashion week has been going on and I spotted a few things.  Neon colors are definitely a thing this year and i absolutely here for it. Animal print is mossssst deffffff back and i super into the snake print for this fall/winter season.  Fall Fashion Board  I created my very own fashion board that has me feeling a way. I incorporated snake print, bling, shoewear, bag and pretty much how the vibe is going to be for this fall.  Fall is actually my favorite time because that's when he slowly begins to get a little breezy.  Holidays come into play and a new year is near.  What are your fall colors going to be?  Are you into fall and what it comes with? Let me know!  Last Quart MOON in Cancer  What Does that Mean???? ↓↓↓ This is like a half-way point - a kind of calm, contemplative time of introspection, reflectio
Fashion Tuesdays 👜👝 Hello Everyone! Hope you had a good weekend and already kicking this week's a$$ !  So let's jump right into Fashion Tuesdays !!!!  Fanny Pack Back For Revenge ? Honestly I'm into the fanny packs but ones that are stylish or even designer.  I feel like it's a great fashion accessory.  It can be super stylish even when you want to be basic.  plus anything important can be super easy access.  The fanny pack has really evolved and I'm glad it's making a comeback. Fanny packs have always been around but lately it's been catching my attention because now a days they are being used in another different way such as the second picture to the right.  I dig all of it.  Fanny Packs back then Back then they were really plain. Back then for me they reminded me of like always having one for vacation so you have everything important. They didn't really grab my attention. But now we are in a diffe

Tisssss the new season

Thursday Shade  ☕🐸 Virgo Season  Virgo season has begun!  Virgo season approaches, you'll notice the bright sunlight slowly start to dim down. Something inside us clicks, reminding us that summer is almost over, and autumn is around the corner. It's a time for work, back-to-school traffic, and in the ancient times, preparing for the winter and the longest nights to come. Long story short, it's important to be analytical during this time, and I promise you, despite the tedious preparation of it all, Virgo season is about to make our lives a whole lot easier. Virgo is ruled by the orderly and rule-abiding Virgin, according to Astro Style. This energy is centralized now, making Virgo season a time to organize your room, go through your clothes and deep clean your apartment. If you ever thought about becoming a minimalist, this may be a good time to try it out. Leo season reigned during the height of summer, infiltrating your mind with grand plans and overfl